Working Out With A Busy Schedule

It’s a well known fact that the best way to lose weight is to have a healthy diet, and exercise often. Seems easy enough, right? So why do so many of us have a hard time committing to the gym? I’ve found one of the biggest reasons is “lack of time”. Whether you have a full time job or a you’re a parent, life happens and it is not always easy to workout! In this blog post I’m going to share how I managed to make it to the gym at least 5 times a week while working a full time job. 

With the right planning and dedication you’ll find making time for yourself a lot easier! Here are some of my tips for the hard workers with hardly any time:

Plan Your Entire Week:

Set a schedule for your active days and rest days. Timing is very important, pick time slots that work well with your other commitments. Choose times you won’t have a problem committing to. It is much easier to hold yourself accountable when you have a plan and know exactly when you’re going to workout. 

Meal Prep:

Meal prepping can be annoying but it is so worth it! By planning your meals ahead of time, you’ll know exactly what you are going to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This saves tons of time and allows all of your meals away from home to be grab and go! You are much less likely to make an unhealthy choice if you have delicious homemade meals available and ready.

Pack Your Gym Bag:

Pack the things you’ll need for the gym the night before! Any supplements you like to take? Pack them. Any snacks you like to have before or after the gym? Pack them. Whether it fits your schedule best to workout first thing in the morning or at night after work, preparing your bag ahead of time can simplify your routine and save time.

Plan Your Workout:

If you go to a conventional gym, it can be time consuming figuring out which machines to use when you get there! Having an idea of exactly what you want to work on can take away the annoying ”gym-timidation” feeling of not knowing where to begin when you arrive. If you have a busy schedule, time is of the essence! Make sure you’re making your workouts count!

Try A Group Class:

There are tons of amazing group classes available from boxing and cycling, to Zumba and CrossFit. See which class you like best! I recommend them to working people because the only responsibility you have is to show up! Super easy and fun!

Bring Your Significant Other:

Juggling time for a relationship, gym, school or work can be difficult! Including your significant other your gym routine is an amazing way for you to achieve your goals as well as spend time with the person you love. Coordinate your rest days with their schedule so that going to the gym doesn’t mean missing out on fun!

Make Exercise A Self Care Ritual:

One of the things that has helped me stay consistent is considering the gym my own personal escape. With so many stresses of our day to day lives it is easy to just give up. Consider exercise a reward to your body for all of the hard work it does! This will help you view the gym less as a burden, and more as a safe haven for you to achieve your goals. 

Here are some things to remember:

  • Life happens. It is okay to miss a day or two. It’s helpful to have a plan, but it’s not always easy to follow one. Don’t beat yourself up, you got this!

  • Patience is key. Remind yourself often that this is a process that will take time to get adjusted to.

  • Distractions will come up. Do not be afraid to make working out a priority. 

  • Any workout is a good workout. If you like to workout at home or walk at the park, don’t feel pressured to go to a conventional gym! Workout the way that feels best for you.

  • Accountability. Hold yourself accountable for committing to a healthier lifestyle. 

If you guys have any tips on how you manage gym and a busy life, let me know!


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