My Weight Loss Journey

Recently so many people have asked me one very simple question: “How did you lose the weight?” Its been very, very hard for me to answer that question. I’ve come to realize that the reason I couldn’t answer was because I didn’t actually know! I never sat down and wrote out exactly what I did from start to finish.. I just did it. So for the first time I’m going to document exactly what worked for me in hopes that some of the strategies I used, may work for someone who reads this! 

This is how I lost 80 pounds in a year and a half:

Step One: Get Fed Up

Emotionally and physically. I had been feeling really awful about myself. None of my clothes fit and if they did fit, I felt disgusting in them. If I wanted to go out with friends I never felt comfortable in public places. People in my life were beginning to make comments. I got to a point where I couldn’t take it anymore. I was fed up. So one morning I woke up and decided to make a change. My boyfriend told me about an app called MyFitnessPal, and I downloaded it. Its an app that helps you keep track of your calories and manage your food portions. I looked up healthy recipes, managed my calorie intake and substituted some of my unhealthy choices for fruits and veggies. Sugary drinks for water. And just like that - my journey began! 

Step two: Get Active

I needed to get active, I gave myself a month to get adjusted to a new healthy eating plan before I joined my local gym. I had no idea what I was doing so I spent a whole hour on the elliptical. It wasn’t much fun and I was trying to figure out how I could stay consistent while being so bored! I decided to hire a personal trainer, and that was great for me. He taught me moves and skills I didn’t even know I could do. I was so excited. And I saw progress. FAST. My face was looking smaller and my waist was looking thinner. I lost 10 lbs, then 20, then 30 almost overnight.

Step three: Change up your routine

The cost of personal training in conventional gyms is insane. About 6 months into my journey I came to the realization that I was paying about 300 dollars a month (which is almost double my car payment) for 4 sessions and I needed more for my money. I got on Groupon and signed up for a boxing class. That class changed everything for me. I had no idea I would love group classes, but when I found the perfect one for me, it stuck. I was taking about 5 classes a week and having personal training sessions. My body was starting to shed weight left and right. With boxing, weightlifting and my diet I lost a total of 70 pounds. 9 months in, I joined a CrossFit gym which has been amazing, and I’m enjoying learning about that sport as well and even lost another 10 lbs.

Step four: Stay Consistent

This has been the hardest step. Maintaining my weight loss. Growing up I would gain weight then immerse myself in sports and lose it. If I gained it back, I’d do that all over again. It became a vicious cycle of me gaining and losing weight in a very unhealthy way. I wont lie.. its been hard consistently making the right choices for my body (mostly because I’m obsessed with ice cream). The thing that has worked out best for me is having a plan for my diet and workout expectations and sticking to them (most of the time). My meal plan consists of 80% strict and 20% fun.. because let’s be honest we all need a glass of wine sometimes.

These are the tips I have for anyone looking to start/maintain a weight loss journey of their own:

  • Design a plan. Plan your workouts, rest days and yes.. even cheat days. You’ll find that when you plan the days you’re going to cheat, you wont feel as much guilt when you do. Its all apart of the plan!

  • Make a meal plan that works for you. If you have a problem with eating/cooking unhealthy foods, there are tons of amazing recipes on Pinterest and YouTube! As you experiment you will quickly learn an entire menu of healthier options. It just takes practice. 

  • Stay consistent! Don’t give up on yourself.

  • Experiment with new workouts and classes! You may find a new hobby!

  • Be proud of yourself. Everyones body is different! Own your journey!

I hope this helps or motivates someone to get active. I’d also like to thank everyone who’s support me this entire way. Go achieve those goals!



Working Out With A Busy Schedule